Yogyakarta (ANTARA) – Marriage is a sacred moment for two people who meet at the altar. One of the eternal symbols of marriage is manifested in the form of a wedding ring. A wedding ring that is wrapped around the couple’s ring finger is a bond and a reminder to sail the household together.
For Zavira Jewelry owner Bimo Hery Prabowo, wedding rings are not just sacred. Wedding rings are works of art that depict the life of each couple. “For me a wedding ring is a sacred work of art,” said Bimo.
Bimo founded Zavira Jewelry which focuses on making handmade wedding rings or handmade by jewelry craftsmen. Zavira Jewelry was founded in 2016 and moved several times until it is now located on Jalan Monumen Perjuangan, Wirokerten, Banguntapan, Bantul.
For Bimo, ring products at Zavira Jewelry prioritize quality. Because it is made manually by craftsmen, the results are different from machine-made products. “We make wedding rings ordered by customers in detail. Handmade ones are tougher, not hollow like those made using machines,” he said.
Zavira Jewelry really pays attention to this detail, so they prefer to collaborate with traditional craftsmen as partners rather than using printing machines to